

Demand analysis of China’s mold industry

According to the statistics of China Mould Industry Association, at present, the main application areas of China's mold products are concentrated in the automotive, electronics, IT and home appliance industries. These industries often need precision tools or parts, and the mold is precisely for these industries to provide an efficient and economical production method. In the mold application industry, the automotive industry accounted for the largest share of about 34%, the electronics industry accounted for about 28%, the IT industry accounted for about 12%, the home appliance industry accounted for 9%, OA automation and semiconductor respectively accounted for 4%!

The automotive industry's demand for large, complex and high-precision molds is becoming more and more urgent

In recent years, China's mold industry industrial output has maintained a sustained growth trend. But the mold design and manufacturing level than Germany, the United States and Japan and other countries behind". In general, the domestic low-grade mold has been basically self-sufficient, and even supply exceeds demand, while the medium and high-grade molds are still far from meeting the needs of actual production, mainly dependent on imports.

Automotive mold, for example, China's automotive mold manufacturing enterprises about 300, the vast majority of small-scale enterprises, technology and equipment level is limited. In the high-end automotive mold market, the domestic competitive strength of the number of enterprises is still small. Molding automotive interior and exterior plastic molds, for example, the automotive field for the largest demand for precision injection molds, through precision injection molding made of automotive parts accounted for 95%. With the rise of automotive lightweight, new energy vehicles and intelligent connected cars, the demand for precision plastic molds will become more and more urgent. In sharp contrast, domestic enterprises that can provide automotive precision injection molds are quite limited.

The electronics industry has an increasing demand for small, precision molds

Mold is an indispensable and important technical support for the electronics industry. For high-performance, high-precision electronic products, the precision of the mold is particularly important. With smart phones, tablet PCs and other high-end electronic products represented by fashionable, miniaturized, thin and personalized trend is becoming more and more obvious. These products are updated more and more quickly, the quality of consumer demand for these products more and more high, which undoubtedly puts forward more stringent requirements on the quality of the mold, mold production enterprises are facing a more serious test. As precision molds can make electronic products more stable size, more reliable performance and more beautiful appearance, so small, precision molds become the focus of the future needs of the electronics industry.

Strong demand for high-efficiency, low-cost molds in the home appliance industry

The home appliance industry is another important area of mold demand, which is mainly used in the production of various types of household appliances, such as TV sets, refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners. The parts and accessories of these products require a large number of molds for molding. In recent years, the annual growth rate of the amount of molds required by the home appliance industry is about 10%. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for home appliances is also increasing. The demand for molds in the home appliance industry is characterized by high efficiency, high consistency, long life, safety and low cost. To meet these needs, home appliance enterprises need to strengthen cooperation with mold manufacturing enterprises, and promote the digitalization and intelligence of the mold design and manufacturing process.

The demand for molds in other industries is diversified

Other industries such as OA automation, IT, construction, chemical and medical devices also need to use molds to produce related products. Compared with the automotive, electronics and home appliance industries, the demand for molds in these industries is relatively small, but there is also a certain market demand. The demand for molds in these industries is mainly characterized by personalization, customization, specialization and specialization. In order to meet these diversified requirements, mold manufacturing enterprises need to strengthen their technological research and development and innovation capabilities, so as to improve the added value of their products and market competitiveness.

Post time: Jul-03-2024